Page name: Child Abuse [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-17 20:18:53
Last author: Vaughne
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Child Abuse.


Children are born into this world innocent and vulnerable, completely reliant upon their parents or carers for protection, comfort, warmth and love.
Luckily, most children get the rights they are born with. The right to be safe in their own home, the right to be loved, the right to be protected when unable to do so themselves, the right to an education, to food and warm clothing.
Most children are cared for, loved and appreciated.

But some children are not. Some are made to feel unloved, isolated, fearful, ashamed and useless.
For over one million children each year in the UK alone, their basic human rights are denied to them from birth, and they are subjected to cruelty and mistreatment.
For these children, life is torture. Getting from one day to the next is a chore.
Do you consider this treatment to innocent children to be acceptable?

One child dies a week from child abuse.
8% of child abuse is Emotional Abuse.
28% of child abuse is Physical Abuse.
30% of child abuse is Sexual Abuse.
And 34% of child abuse is Neglect.

At least 1 in 10 children suffer sexual abuse during childhood.
In Britain, 1 in 1000 children under the age of 4 suffer extreme physical abuse.
Why is this not shocking you as much as it should?

Put yourself in their shoes.

Child abuse # 1
Child abuse # 2
Child abuse # 3
Child abuse # 4

Signs of Sexual Abuse.

- Overally knowledgeable in sex from a young age. -
- Medical problems such as venereal diseases. -
- Extreme reactions, such as suicide attempts. -
- Becoming clingy or insecure. -
- Regressing to younger behaviour. -
- Lack of trust or fear of someone they know. -
- Starting to wet again. -
- Inexplicable reactions to physical contact, such as flinching or backing away, or freezing completely. -
- Unusual periods of silence. -
- Signs of Depression or other medical problems. -

~ ~ ~

Signs of Physical Abuse.

- Unexplained recurrent injuries or burns. -
- Unlikely excuses or refusal to explain injuries. -
- Refusal to remove clothing, such as a jumper. -
- Fear of medical help or examination. -
- Self- destructive tendencies. -
- Fear of physical contact. -
- Fear of suspected abuser being contacted. -

~ ~ ~

Signs of Neglect.

- Constant hunger. -
- Poor personal hygiene. -
- Constant tiredness. -
- Poor state of clothing. -
- Untreated medical problems. -
- Few social relationships. -
- Compulsive tendencies. -

~ ~ ~

Signs of Emotional Abuse.

- Physical, mental and emotional development lags. -
- Sudden speech disorders. -
- Continual self- depreciation. -
- Overreaction to mistakes. -
- Extreme fear to any new situation. -
- Extreme response to pain. -
- Extremes of passivity or aggression. -

Why do we allow this to happen? Even with all the laws against these things?
Why has it not been stopped?

If you are against child abuse, and wish to put a stop to it once and for all, then sign this wiki.
We can help these children. We can make a difference.
They don't have to suffer in silence any longer.

Anti- Child Abuse Members.

Discussion Page.
A page to discuss Child abuse.

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2008-05-15 [phoenixborn]: "Overally knowledgeable in sex for their age"

As someone who has campaigned strongly for about 3 years for an improvement in sexual education, and for young people to actually have a clue about sex, I'm afraid I have tio disagree with that one strongly sugar. Profssing the idea that young people knowing anything about sex is wrong is why the average age of new mothers is slowly nearing single digits. I know this isn't the subject of the wiki but this is a point I feel particularly strongly about :P

2008-05-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: David.. i dont think she means like 14 year olds.. but thats gross. but bearable.. (JUST).. i think she means about 4 year olds and 5 year olds being sexually abused.. which im sorry.. your wrong to think thats ok

2008-05-15 [Vaughne]: That is what I meant, love. I was referring to 4 and 5 year olds, not those nearing ten years old.

2008-05-15 [phoenixborn]: Oh I didn't mean that. But she is not specific about age is she now? YOu'll notice the others in the same section of "starting to wet AGAIN" and "regressing to younger behaviour". I know she says "for thier age" But there are no details as tio what that age is.

2008-05-15 [Vaughne]: I shall edit that if you wish?

2008-05-15 [phoenixborn]: Incidentally not showing lack of support or anything, it's a wonderful wiki Bry :P

2008-05-15 [phoenixborn]: DOn't feel you have to but it would make me happier. It's no problem though I don't feel THAT strongly on it :P

2008-05-15 [Vaughne]: Thank you =] would be appreciated if you can all show support and publicity for the wiki? =] <3

2008-05-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: Oh because that age limit text doesnt look forced or anything

2008-05-15 [Vaughne]: Well I don't know how to word that properly, sue me, I just wrote six whole wikis in one night :p

2008-05-16 [Lonely Shadow]: -hugs Bry- it's a good wiki... he'd be proud

2008-05-16 [phoenixborn]: Sugar just take that bit off I think it bothered me less the way it was :P You should know we're a hard crowd to please :P

2008-05-16 [Lonely Shadow]: lol bry just tell em all to go suck on a rooster and do as you wish

2008-05-16 [phoenixborn]: I'll have you know my grandmother was a rooster and I'm greatly offended by that!

2008-05-16 [Lonely Shadow]: lol your grandmother was a guy? O.o how's that work out?

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Okay, I'll change it back :]

2008-05-16 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: xD.. plus she wouldnt tell us that.. she loves us.. and we know what gets to her so we could just fight fire with fire ;P

2008-05-16 [Fading Away]: Its not ok to be abused or abuse someone. I was abused and somehow thought it was my fault. Anyone that thinks it was there fault they shouldnt as it was the adults fault. They should know better as they are the adults. Difference is though no one found out till it was to late and i didnt say anything to anyone apart from a friend who i told to keep it quiet and she didnt so i ended up going to court.

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Well said. The victims in the situations more times than not, consider what happened to them to be their own fault. It's part of the psychological damage that has been inflicted upon them.

2008-05-16 [Raikcoes]: I lived through most of that stuff. Same with my 3 brothers. We dont tolerate it from no one, or let it go unpunished.

2008-05-16 [user49206]: I was abused physically when I was younger. I support ending abuse.

2008-05-16 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *hugs nick*

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Same for me, Nick.

2008-05-16 [Lonely Shadow]: -hugs Bry tight and smiles- reckon' we've got a lot in common -sighs and sits in the corner-

2008-05-16 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *gets a railing with red velvet ropes and puts it around nick*.. Sorry.. VIP only XD.. *hands bry a VIP pass*

2008-05-16 [Lonely Shadow]: O.o ok...

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Wooo I got a pass ;]
But yeah we do =]

2008-05-16 [Lonely Shadow]: -steals the pass and puts it in a tree-

2008-05-16 [Noble]: hey guys =]

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Hey ;_;... Saaaaaaam he stole my paaaaaaaaaass.....

2008-05-16 [Noble]: *climbs tree and throws you the pass* there you go prettyful

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Thank youuu. Right. Now. Back to the point. I don't want this as a general chat wiki. At least not until there is more publicity for it

2008-05-16 [Noble]: sorry =[

i think we should have a plan of action and spread the word to everyone on your friends lists, even if they dont log in alot at least they know this wiki is here through that

2008-05-16 [angel4evr]: why am i bieng forced to do this ¬¬ it should be voluntary

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Indeed. Don't be sorry :] it can be a general talk place thingy when there's more members, being as the discussion page is what real talk on this is for.

But I was thinking of sending PM's to more people, seeing as not many read my entries so...

2008-05-16 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: make a page where we can talk as members? xD

2008-05-16 [phoenixborn]: Careful who you message though,. People in your friends list is fine, but sending messages to randoms telling them to join would get ya in trouble and they wouldn't hesitate to close a wiki down, even a just one like this one. SO yah, be careful and stuff :P

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Well I wasn't planning on sending it to randomers, David, but thanks :]

And what do you mean, Jack?

2008-05-16 [phoenixborn]: Jackie there are a million pages for general chat, we have half a dozen ourselves. And this wiki is perfectly open for subject-related chat. So it would be pointless :P

2008-05-16 [A.B.A.]: one thing i always wanted to do was start a campaign against putting children on psychiatric drugs... long story short, my mom is psychotic, she forced me to take lots of psych drugs as a child because i was crazy (and she wasn't) and thus, i gained weight due to side-effects 240 lbs to be exact, and i lost most of my memory, i used to have a high-functioning autism level of memory, well above average because i suffer from aspergers syndrom, but because of side-effects i cant even remember friends names

the sad truth is, in america a child can be normal, but if a parent wants to, they can get him/her diagnosed and put on drugs

some of which can KILL them, take ritilan for example

and the child can openly disagree but it doesnt matter, THIS is child abuse in my opinion, and it should be stopped

2008-05-16 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: as in.. if this is discussion about the topic of the wiki.. then we will stop.. but make a place on the wiki we can continue to xD

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: That's a very serious case of child abuse in my opinion also. We had a friend who had similar things done to him, not through drugs but by other means after being told he was insane.
I agree that this has to stop.

2008-05-16 [phoenixborn]: Definitely agree with you on that one [A.B.A.]. My girlfriend suffers from severe seizures (which, I might add, could kill her without warning, slightly worrying but never mind) that doctors are currently testing to see if they're related to psyche drugs she had to take as a kid as a result of severe abuse. This is one of the most serious, but least publicised, form of abuse.

2008-05-16 [A.B.A.]: well, i was also thrown into 7 mental institutions, anyone who has been in one will tell you, it's worse than jail

because of all that trauma i am a social outcast, i can't handle minute amounts of stress and i am pretty much alone 24/7

the effects of what she did will last my whole life, and she didnt get in trouble at all

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: This form of abuse, as David said, it the least publicised yet one of the worst forms there are.
This sort of thing needs to be stopped....

2008-05-16 [XxshortieexX]: heyy how do u join...??

2008-05-16 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: go to the child abuse members

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Want me to add you, Soph?

2008-05-16 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i just sent like a message to almost every person on my friends list.. and about 15 new log in members

"hey.. show your support?

child abuse sign up?

pleeease ^^"

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Thank you! :D

2008-05-16 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: welcome ^^

since i use fake aswell? xD.. im even going to be trying to get my friends to move to elfpack just to join.. il be sending it to new log ins now and then.. posting it on random wikis i find..

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Thank you Jack :] you're being a great help, you with all your connections ;]

2008-05-16 [A.B.A.]: member numbers don't make the wiki better

thats the same mentality that myspace has and thats why myspace sucks

10000 friends does not make you cooler than someone with 4

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: I'm not promoting it to make the wiki better, I'm promoting it to get people to support the cause behind it

2008-05-16 [~..cristina..~]:

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Yes... it is Christina xD

2008-05-16 [~..cristina..~]:

2008-05-16 [Vaughne]: Yes dear... :]

2008-05-16 [Noble]: heya!

2008-05-17 [Vaughne]: She's goneded

2008-05-17 [Noble]: i wude

2008-05-17 [Vaughne]: Indeed.

2008-05-17 [GlitchGames]: I fall under neglect and emotional abuse but I don't think I am...

2008-05-17 [Lonely Shadow]: -sits on Bry's lap- I fall under pretty much dead, numb and none existant -nuzzles against Bry's shoulder-

2008-05-17 [Vaughne]: No dead, Josh *frown* You know you're not allowed to fall under that.

And I'm sorry to hear that, [GlitchGames]. I hate that this sort of thing has to happen to people... The fact I fall under... well all of them makes me so angry, and even more so that others must go through it alone.

2008-05-17 [Kayn]: I think back to when I was in school, and I can see all the kids that I know now were abused in some way. Makes me sad to think that a lot of the kids would pick on them all the time.

2008-05-17 [Vaughne]: Yeah, being bullied at school can amount to a child's unhappiness while experiencing abuse at home as well. I hate that people have to put up with bullying anyway, even more so when they have to cope with abuse as well.

2008-05-17 [Kayn]: -nods- I dont know about you, but I was one to hang out and be friends with the loners. Not that I felt bad for them, but they needed a friend.

2008-05-17 [Vaughne]: I tend to do that as well. I have several different "groups" of friends. Some of them are the ones that for some reason get the crap from everyone else, but when you know them, they're completely awesome people. I have to put up with alot of people at my school because of how I dress, but it doesn't really bother me with that, my usual retort is "Look in the mirror before you judge me" =]

2008-05-17 [Kayn]: I use to get made fun of how I dressed too. I was never part of any specific "clique" I was friends with people in all of them. Actually the bestest friends I had were of the ones that were picked on or pushed about. I still have many of them today. Hard to talk to them with life going on and taht. Also lost a good many..may they rest in peace. Yet they are the ones where if you got that call in the middle of the night you would be right there with them by morning

2008-05-17 [Vaughne]: I have alot of different "groups" as I said... and like you, I have lost several of the closest friends I have ever had, some to suicide, others to other ways.
In fact, possibly the closest friend was abused right through his childhood and teenage years, and a break up between him and his girlfriend, after all the abuse he was still suffering from with his father, eventually tipped him over the edge and he killed himself.
I firmly believe that he wouldn't have done that if he had been raised in a loving environment.

2008-05-17 [Kayn]: -nods- I would agree. I had a friend that died of his own hand, due to the fact that he was neglected and emotionally abused. Then when his mother died he couldnt take it no more. No matter how hard I tried and pleaded with him I couldnt change his mind. All I could do was be there and hold him close as his life flowed from him. It was what he wanted from me. He wanted there to a friendly face, and someone to clean the mess up and call the authorities after he was gone. That way his siter wouldnt find him. I still dream of it from time to time. I miss him dearly, but I always remember that I made him the happies he had been when I stayed with him that night

2008-05-17 [Vaughne]: My friend never told me he was planning that... he hinted at it, and I talked to him as much as I could once he started acting strangely, I sat up all night to him on the phone once after his father had started on him... that was the only time I'd heard him cry.
But once he actually did it I felt so guilty that I hadn't spent more time with him to help him more...

2008-05-18 [Kayn]: -nods- I cried for 3 weeks and locked myself in my room and wouldnt talk to no one afterwards. No one knew that I was there for the whole thing, jsut figured I had found him. I had that guilty feeling too about not spending more ti me with him, let alone staying there and watching him do it >.< I still do to this day.

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: As do I. But Rory was in a situtation he felt he had no way out of... and his father was beyond cruel... he was inhumane and purely evil to him. Whenever I see his dad I have to try hard not to say anything to him... but the worst thing is that he's not getting prosecuted for child abuse or anything.

2008-05-18 [Kayn]: -shakes head- If i were to see my friends parents i would go off on them every single time, requarless of where i was at. Letting them know that they had to have been one of the worst people ever. I mean they didnt so much as stay through the whole funeral. I was furious

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: I'm not one for confrontation, I hate it, having grown up in an environment where confrontation resulted in a punch. But I hate that guy... I can't believe what he put Rory through, luckily I don't see him often.

2008-05-18 [Kayn]: I grew up in the same enviroment. I jsut learned to stand up against them. Then run >.< Eventually I didnt have to run anymore. I became able to stand up and take the hit, and keep going. ( i thank my brothers for that one) So confronting people is easy for me i guess.

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: Luckily for me, my parents got divorced when I was quite young, so I didn't have to put up with it. But I guess I then didn't learn to stand up to it through that

2008-05-18 [Kayn]: -nods- Some learn in different ways. I learned by watching my 3 other brothers get hit as much as I. SO I thought that mayshee if i showed that i would stand up to father that maybe my brothers would too. (never workded though)

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: Yeah. I never really learnt how to stand up to him. I'm still scared to really talk to him to this day and he's fine now.

2008-05-18 [Kayn]: -nods- i know how that is. My father and I havnt spoken in 9 years. he is still angery that I can stand up to him and not be afraid

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: I still see my dad. I actually quite like him now, he's alot nicer now, he's mellowed. But I can still freeze up with his being angry.

2008-05-18 [The Incredible Bulk]: I know what you mean about your Dad bry.
No offence to him he can be kind.
But when he gets angry at People..
*Hugs you*
My dad used to hit me but it was only when i did do something wrong.

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: He scares me when he's angry I just freeze up. And he can be kind, which is why I don't hate him like I used to. But I've seen him do some horrific things... even though I now like him.

2008-05-18 [The Incredible Bulk]: I'm really happy He's mellowed out.
*Licks you*

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: I am too.

2008-05-18 [Kayn]: I have learned not to freeze when my father gets angery. I know it makes him even more angery when I step up and get in his face and NOT yell back

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: Yeah. I expect I'd have learnt more over time if he had lived with me

2008-05-18 [Lonely Shadow]: ya'll could have my dad instead

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: I'm good with mine, Josh xD

2008-05-18 [Lonely Shadow]: ahh but but you don't want one that thought it was fun to play catch with the wall? and felt the need to use his kids as the ball... your no fun :P

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: He doesn't sound much like fun to meh >.<

2008-05-18 [Lonely Shadow]: he wasn't much fun, more like a living nightmare but what can one do anymore

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: Best to not let it make you bitter. That's what I've tried to do =]

2008-05-18 [Lonely Shadow]: -smiles and looks up- it didn't love, just everything else had it was just fuel to the fire

2008-05-18 [Vaughne]: Don't let anything else make you bitter either...

2008-05-19 [Kayn]: thanks [Lonely Shadow] my father did that enough with me >.< I remember the carpenter nails just fine. Ill keep my father. 

Shouldnt let things make you a "meean" person. it will make you no better than those such as"your father" i am shure that many thought of them as a bitter or shallow person

2008-05-19 [Lonely Shadow]: -giggles and leans against bry- Lonely I'm already there, I remember every broken bone or shattering noise I've received from him and granted it's turned me into a cruel and extremely heartless person -hugs Bry tight and plays with her hair- it's only turned towards those that I know and despise

2008-05-19 [Smile Addiction]: mucho kudos bryony. mucho kudos i've always wanted to help abused children because i know what they're going's almsost like i'd be helping the little me that needed help but got none. maybe i'll be a social worker. lol

2008-05-19 [~*Suicide is Painless*~]: I honestly don't know what it's like being an abused child.. but I love kids. Babysitting, day cares, anything to do with taking care of kids I love. I think about what would happen if I knew one of the kids I babysat were getting abused.. it hurts to think about it..
*hugs all the abused* I'm sorry you all have had to live through it, and I'm happy to see you ones talking about it... I'm glad you've been able to stand up to your abusers!

2008-05-19 [Fading Away]: I'd prefer not to say what happened to me. I'd prefered to have been beaten up by him than what actually happened. I shit myself when I was at court and saw him. I think my heart missed a couple of beats. At the time it happened and after as it happened for a long period of time for a year or over. I was depressed and found it hard to trust anyone. I started becoming suicidal and was for a long time after that, I do still go to do it but i've been trying not to cause if I harm myself my boyfriend will harm hiself,

2008-05-19 [Kayn]: -nods- I will always be a cutter, and not a very trusting person. The thoughts of suicide are still there. I have just learned over the years how to hide a lot of things from others.

2008-05-19 [The Incredible Bulk]: From what happened a long time ago to me.
I'm selfharmer, still trying to stop but at the moment things are getting really hard again.

2008-05-19 [Kayn]: -nods- Thats why i will always be a cutter, or as most prefere to call it (the posers mostly) "self mutilator" I get to stressed or upset and woopsy there goes a nice cut >.<

2008-05-19 [The Incredible Bulk]: I have to be careful some of my friends have threatened to fall out big time with me if i selfharm, Which is good but the pressure is really high.

2008-05-19 [Fading Away]: I dont want my boyfriend to harm himself cause I kind of upset him yesterday and a few weeks ago I blurted out how I felt and what I was thinking at the time and he couldnt handle it and started crying cause he was like how could this happen to my girlfriend? I didnt promise that I wouldnt self harm though I just looked at him when he said dont do it again.

2008-05-19 [The Incredible Bulk]: My ex boyfriend left me becuase i selfharmed.

2008-05-19 [Vaughne]: I used to. I don't anymore as I realised that it doesn't help anyone or get you anywhere in life

2008-05-20 [Kayn]: [Fading Away] it is a lil hypocritical to tell someone not to hurt themselves if you are going to do it yourself. It wont make things better in the long run. I know. i had a friend who thought that by cutting herself was going to make me stop. I just looked at her like WTF ever and kept going. If you want him to stop you are going to have to show3 that you are willing to stop as well. Its a 2 way deal with that babe, trust me on that.

-smiles- [Vaughne] hun have you ever been to the point that you were actually addicted to it?

[The Incredible Bulk] I have lost many b/f and g/f due to it. the way i see it is if they werent willing to stay and help me get out of it then they really honestly didnt care.

2008-05-20 [Fading Away]: I've stopped hurting myself. Although I done it once since but I dont want my bf hurting his self to stop me although I dont do it very often. I love him to much for him to do that.

2008-05-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: Okay i don't remember typing that..
I'm weirded.. i think i got hacked..

2008-05-20 [Kayn]: lol nice one apple.

[Fading Away] Instead of telling him that he has to stop, try sitting down with him and making the deal that you will stop if he stops. It is always easier if you have someone trying to stop with you. It is addictive. I know I am addicted to it, and know many others that are. He might be (i dont know never met or talked to him) Yet if he is, then he will need a lot of support to stop. I never got it and severly doubt I will get it, but I found a reeason to stop and a very good one at that and it has been 33 weeks since i did it. Came really really close too

2008-05-20 [Vaughne]: Yeah I was addicted, [Kayn]. I eased myself out of it though

2008-05-20 [Kayn]: Well lucky you. Most arent that lucky.

2008-05-20 [Vaughne]: I know... I've tried to help alot of people stop since having done so myself.

2008-05-20 [Kayn]: -nods-The ones that burn themselves are the hard ones to get to stop

2008-05-20 [Vaughne]: Yeah...

2008-05-20 [Kayn]: Those are usually the ones you have to threaten to hell and back to get them to stop

2008-05-21 [Danny-Senpai ^^]: i pure despise child abuse, since having endured it myself :(

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: -shakesa head- [Danny-Senpai ^^] You should dispise it reguardless if you have or havne been through it. By going throught it you just have the first hand expierience to help others. Also you know better than anyone what to look for in those younger than you, in orderto step in and stop it.

2008-05-21 [Vaughne]: Well said.

2008-05-21 [Kayn]: Thank you. Its only the truth though

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